Hole-in-one - 01/03/2019
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Some days are better than others.
The statistics tell us that a hole-in-one is about a 1/12,000 odd chance event.
I had played for 30 years before I got my first in 2016 but here I am two and a
half years later with a second, (and yes I bought a Lotto ticket on the way
home!) Edit: the tickets both came up "not a winning ticket".
There I was
standing on the tee of the 5th hole at the Inglewood Golf Club (Taranaki,
New Zealand). I hit a six iron with a slight draw, pitched a couple of metres
short of the green, ran up the green and curled into the back left corner pin.
It disappeared and I thought it had gone behind the pin, but my two partners
were screaming and shouting, so I figured it had gone in!
And it had gone in. We strolled up to the green and looked in the
hole - and there it was. Lots of backslapping, high fives, and laughter. "Oh
what a feeling." The man taking the photo had never seen a hole-in-one before so
he was happy to see it happen.
What a great day!
Now to get that ball mounted to make up the pair. Edit: Got the new trophy. My
friends say that it is not an 'N' for Nigel but a 'Z' for Zorro. So Zorro I am
around Inglewood Golf Club.
Golf is all about trying to achieve goals. Inglewood Golf Course has six par
3's, and I have now aced two of them, must be four to go!!
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